Support Us.

FEEA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Find out more about ways to give to FEEA.

Without our supporters FEEA could not achieve our mission of serving federal public servants.

Options for Support:

Combined Federal Campaign

FEEA has been a recognized charity of the CFC for thirty years. Designate FEEA #11185 to support our programs.

Matching Gifts

Please contact us if you or your spouse’s employer offers a matching gifts program.

Legacy Gifts

To leave a gift in your will, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:
“I bequeath $____ or ___% of my estate to the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund, 1641 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314.”

Our Supporters.

FEEA combines financial support from over 1,000 individuals as well as corporations, foundations, associations, and unions each year to achieve our mission.

To give today click here.

blue cross and shield icons with the BlueCross BlueShield logo
GEHA logo - a stylized star with three stripes to the right and the letters G.E.H.A
UHC Feds logo
Blacks in Government
Compass Rose Health Plan

Fed Choice logo
Federal Employed Women
The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
Federal Managers Association
the FEDS logo including their URL
GEBA logo
Employee Benefits Specialists
a hot pink background with a partial leg ending in a car instead of a shoe and text encouraging sign up for lyft
National Council of Social Security Management Association
National Federation of Federal Employees
Northwest Management Association
The National Treasury Employees Union
Philadelphia Region Management Association
Shaw Bransford & Roth
San Francisco Region Management Association
Starr Wright USA logo