Layoff Loans.

Even with careful planning, federal employees facing recent layoffs can find themselves in a vulnerable financial position. Unplanned, out-of-pocket expenses can lead to significant hardship, potentially forcing them to rely on high-interest loans, default on debts, or even consider personal bankruptcy.

While FEEA can’t replace lost income on a longterm basis, we can offer eligible federal employees confidential, no-fee, no-interest loans to help temporarily with basic needs. Since 1986, FEEA has provided over 13,000 no-fee, no-interest loans to help feds make ends meet during hardships, and we’re here to support those recently affected by layoffs.

Please be sure to download and read the Layoff Loan Application Instructions before starting the online application. There are a number of documents you will need to collect and attach to your application. You will not be able to submit your application without attaching the required documents.

Loan Ceiling: $2,000

Individuals Eligible for Loans:

Individuals who were full- or part-time permanent federal civilian or postal employees until recently laid off from the federal government. Most recent federal salary must have been $65,000 or less.

Eligible Loan Expenses:

Approved loans up to $2,000 will be disbursed by check, made out to the creditor and sent to the employee for delivery to the creditor. Please note FEEA will not pay student loans, credit card bills, or make checks out to employees directly. 

  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Home utilities (gas, electric, phone)
  • Medical or dental bills not covered by insurance

Required Documentation:

  • Most recent SF-50 or PS-50
  • Most recent leave and earnings statement
  • If married, spouse’s most recent pay stub
  • Termination or furlough notice
  • Copy of bill(s) you are seeking assistance with (eg. rent or mortgage statement, electric bill, etc.)
  • Copy of state-issued driver or non-driver ID
  • Signed Credit Release Authorization (included in the instructions; signature must be “wet” ie not typed, or verified electronic signature)